
E&S Auto

E&S transportation coverage starts with auto liability before other coverages are added.

In Florida and Illinois, terms are offered by RLI Insurance Company . In all other acceptable coverage territories, terms are offered non-admitted by Mt. Hawley Insurance Company.

Insurance Type
Admitted & Non-admitted
Policies cannot be domiciled in and vehicles cannot be registered in the following states: CT, KS, KY, MA, MT, NC, NV, NY, WA or WV. For risks domiciled and registered in eligible states - if they enter NY, use in the 5 boroughs of NY can be incidental only.
a curved road surrounded by trees

Not an agent or broker? 

If you're a fleet owner/manager seeking an insurance quote, ask your commercial insurance agent or broker for a quote from RLI, or contact us for more information.

Creative solutions for hard-to-place risks

Everyone has a story and we're here to listen. All risks are diligently reviewed to devise creative solutions. Our service extends beyond a transactional product - we aim to form partnerships and build relationships with our producers and insureds.

Commercial van driving down the road

Who we work with

RLI E&S Transportation accepts new submissions for consideration from pre-approved surplus lines licensed producers.

We are excited to offer a transportation solution:

  • Are engaged insurance partners
  • Want to proactively make safety improvements and are open to implementing suggestions from our internal loss control experts
  • Value the strategic and holistic insurance carrier approach
  • Are not simply looking for lower premium

If you have risks that meet the qualifications above, the following guidelines will assist you in qualifying, submitting and binding E&S business with RLI Transportation. They are subject to change without notice.

Aerial shot of highway system

High-level appetite guide

E&S Transportation, Mt. Hawley (A+) rated, non-admitted

  • Auto Liability (AL): If AL written, Physical Damage, Motor Truck Cargo and General Liability are available
  • $50,000+ minimum policy premium, $25,000 minimum premium for HNOA only risks
  • 2+ power unit fleet risks that require and E&S carrier solution
  • Risks declined by RLI's Transportation program and other admitted carriers
fleet of cars

Targeted business classes

Targeted business classes

  • $25,000 policy minimum for HNOA only risks, $50,000 minimum for all other risks, any radius of operations
  • New operations
  • Higher-risk territories including South Florida, South Texas, Los Angeles County in California, San Francisco County in California or Cook County in Illinois
  • Loss issues: frequency and/or severity
  • Risks being cancelled or non-renewed
  • Mixed fleet risks (can issue state and federal filings)
  • Substantial change in risk: operations that are growing or shrinking and/or changing the commodity they haul
  • Businesses that need loss control/safety/compliance assistance

Commercial Specialty Auto

Public Transportation

  • Paratransit operations including those with wheelchair lifts


  • Significant number of newer CDL drivers
  • Significant number of Mexican CDL drivers: Must have a valid Licencia Federal de Conductor issued by Mexico's SCT and appropriate license based on the type of vehicle operated
  • Business must follow US cabotage rules
  • Dump trucks
  • Recycling
  • Waste haulers
  • Sand and gravel

Non-eligible E&S classes

  • Businesses that operate more than incidentally in the 5 boroughs of NY (Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, The Bronx, Staten Island)
  • Rental operations
  • Mid-term submission looking for lower premium
  • Accounts with large seasonal exposures
  • Large subcontractor exposure when federal filings are not required: will not offer hired auto coverage
  • Large subcontractor exposure when federal fillings are not required: will not offer terms on this risk
  • Intermingled businesses unless we're offering terms on all exposures
  • Risks with a clear history of egregious behavior surrounding loss control, safety and compliance
  • Passenger carrying risks that require a $5 million limit
  • Passenger carrying risks with 15+ passenger capacity
  • Taxi
  • Ride Share
  • Food Delivery
  • Hot Shot trucking
  • Oil & Gas related risks
  • Charter bus operations

Submission clearance requirements

  • Account narrative strategy, and market position - send copy of cancellation or non-renewal notice if applicable
  • Submissions are accepted 60 days or less from effective date
  • Completed E&S Application
  • 5 years of currently valued hard copy loss runs valued within 60 days or less from proposed inception with details on all open losses and losses over $50,000.
  • Vehicle schedule in Excel with licensing state, garaging city/state, year/make/model/VIN, specific use, seating capacity, disclosure of any modifications or permanently attached equipment and stated amount
  • Driver schedule in Excel including date of birth, date of hire, driver's license number and state
  • Send new submissions to:
Busy highway with city in background

Benefits of an RLI Transportation partnership

  • Free access to a dedicated loss control expert
  • Complimentary access to driver safety training videos through RLI Safety Solutions' proprietary Learning Management System (LMS)
  • One free weekday of on-site driver training from an RLI Loss Control expert
  • Discounts on hardware and subscription costs from Samsara, Lytx and Motive
  • Complimentary access to RLI Safety Solutions DOT compliance assistance
  • Quarterly claim reviews available for larger risks
2 people shaking hands at a table
Highway along mountain cliffside
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Ready to partner with RLI?

If you're an agent or broker with a qualified book of business or a customer with a specialized insurance need, we'd love to partner with you.

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