Ready to partner with RLI?
If you're an agent or broker with a qualified book of business or a customer with a specialized insurance need, we'd love to partner with you.
Mobile property inland marine insurance covers dealers' property, excluding vehicles licensed for use on public highway.
Not an agent or broker?
If you're a risk manager interested in mobile property inland marine insurance, ask your insurance agent or broker for a quote from RLI.
Each submission displays unique features and we encourage submissions to test our flexibility and creativity. Covered property is usually mobile in nature, even though it may be situated at one location more-or-less permanently. If we fully understand the risk characteristics, it is likely we will be able to offer coverage on some basis.
Coverage limits vary widely and the size of schedules we can write is almost unlimited depending on the spread of risk. If there are fixed location exposures, then our property guidelines apply. This would restrict the total insured values we could write to $15 million at a single location (or only $5 million if the construction type is frame or joisted masonry).
Professional photographers and musicians alike are constantly on the move, sometimes requiring worldwide coverage territory with their policies. Photo equipment and musical instruments alike are valuable and highly damageable, subject to being dropped, roughly handled, or stolen. Cameras and musical instrument may be insured on a stated-amount basis.
Commercial collections, owned either in the name of individuals or corporations.
Museum collections. Depending on the types of artwork or other property, breakage coverage may be available.
RLI is able to write coverage for most types of mobile equipment, including but not limited to:
If you're an agent or broker with a qualified book of business or a customer with a specialized insurance need, we'd love to partner with you.