Commercial Casualty

Excess Commercial Liability

Business liability protection over scheduled underlying coverages.

Policies are underwritten by Mt. Hawley Insurance Company, an RLI Company.

Insurance Type
Available in 50 U.S. states and D.C.
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Not an agent or broker? 

If you're a risk manager seeking an excess commercial liability quote, ask your insurance agent or broker to request a quote from RLI.

The excess liability coverage your customers need

Up to $10 million per occurrence and $10 million aggregate. Coverage is available over:

  • General liability
  • Product liability
  • Automobile liability
  • Employers liability
  • Liquor liability
  • Other miscellaneous liability coverages
People drinking beer at a bar

Targeted business types

  • General contractors including residential remodeling
  • Artisan contractors including residential remodeling
  • California custom homebuilders with up to 10 new starts
  • Owner’s interest construction projects
  • Acoustical ceiling contractors
  • Apartment construction
Group of people working at a table

Partner with RLI

When you partner with RLI for E&S commercial liability, our team of highly skilled underwriters concentrate on the products they know best. This philosophy is especially important when the product is as complicated, and as highly specialized, as an excess liability insurance policy.

Clients find our pricing, the quality of our service and the creativity of our underwriters to be a welcome change from the norm. They count on us for solutions to exceptionally difficult market challenges. When you’re faced with placing excess liability insurance coverage requiring the expertise of underwriting specialists, we're here for you. Together, we’ll find a solution.

  • Competitive pricing
  • Personal relationships
  • Standard-setting service
  • 15-day policy issuance turnaround
Group of RLI employees talking with each other
Contact an underwriter

Find your casualty underwriter

Our nationwide team of underwriters utilize their expertise and innovative approached to underwrite risks specific to their regions and market segments.

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Casualty region map
Mid South

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General Liability

Brad Anderson
Brad Anderson
Senior Underwriter
Excess Liability
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Excess Liability
Bernadette Arroyo-Gutierrez
Bernadette Arroyo-Gutierrez
Manager Underwriting
Excess Liability
213-683-0838 ext. 2026
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cmsnest regions will show here
Excess Liability
Adana Durse
Adana Durse
Director, Underwriting
Excess Liability
860-652-3044 ext. 1508
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Excess Liability
Bob Hartje
Bob Hartje
VP, Underwriting
Excess Liability
860-652-3044 ext. 1524
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cmsnest regions will show here
Excess Liability
John Hodge Jr.
John Hodge Jr.
AVP, Underwriting
Excess Liability
770-754-0100 ext. 2348
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Excess Liability
Cathy Martin
Cathy Martin
AVP, Underwriting
Excess Liability
770-754-0100 ext. 2324
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Excess Liability
Kevin McGann
Kevin McGann
Director, Underwriting
Excess Liability
860-652-3044 ext. 1513
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Excess Liability
Ray Snow
Ray Snow
Director, Underwriting
Excess Liability
860-652-3044 ext. 1506
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Excess Liability
Steve Walsh
Steve Walsh
Director, Underwriting
Excess Liability
860-652-3044 ext. 1512
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Excess Liability
Brenda Walter
Brenda Walter
Director, Underwriting
Excess Liability
309-692-1000 ext. 5433
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Excess Liability

Choose a region to see contacts for this product

Mid South
Mid South
Highway along mountain cliffside
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Ready to partner with RLI?

If you're an agent or broker with a qualified book of business or a customer with a specialized insurance need, we'd love to partner with you.

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