Ready to partner with RLI?
If you're an agent or broker with a qualified book of business or a customer with a specialized insurance need, we'd love to partner with you.
Liability insurance for private security companies, private investigators & detectives, and alarm/electronic security services.
Underwritten by Mt. Hawley Insurance Company, an RLI company.
Not an agent or broker?
If you're a business owner or risk manager interested in security guard and alarms insurance, contact your insurance agent and broker for a quote from RLI.
Covers liability exposures that private security companies face while performing in the line of duty. Our security programs provide reliable protection for unpredictable circumstances.
The growing focus on an individual’s right to privacy opens up a unique set of risks for detective agencies and private investigators. RLI Security helps safeguard them from undercover liability exposures.
Electronic security and alarm companies have extensive general liability exposure. Customers count on them to protect assets, which is exactly why they need a reliable insurance partner if and when something goes wrong.
Covers liability exposures for security at many short-term events. Application and Incident Report forms provided below.
Completed applications and supplemental information can be submitted to
Our security company liability product flyer is available for producers to download and provide to clients for more information on RLI's security company liability insurance.
Pre-qualify your risk, submit new business and much more!
If you are a wholesale agent or broker and would like additional information, please contact an RLI underwriter.
If you're an agent or broker with a qualified book of business or a customer with a specialized insurance need, we'd love to partner with you.