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DPLE Courses

Abstract shot of city buildings with RLI branding
February 26, 2025
DP 175 - Should I Go or Should I Not Go (pdf, 2mb)

Why do firms take on projects that they think could be destined to fail? When you spend time analyzing the possibilities, you can start to see future problems. Our approach will guide you through the four steps of risk management—carefully identifying, assessing, managing, and controlling the risks in projects when you’re deciding if pursuing a project is a good idea.

December 18, 2024
DP 159 - Evaluating Professional Ethics and Conduct (pdf, 1mb)

Successfully managing a practice requires developing the ability to balance professional ethics, with practical business considerations, legal requirements, and of course, the Client’s design objectives.

October 2, 2024
DP 312 - Evaluating Lessons Learned After Losses (pdf, 1mb)

It is important to evaluate the outcome of a claim once the claim is settled.

July 10, 2024
DPLE 317 - The Art of Risk Transfer (pdf, 2mb)

In this course, we explain risk transfer and the various techniques that can be used.

March 20, 2024
DPLE 203 - Contracting for Projects Large and Small (pdf, 1mb)

This course will provide considerations on writing contracts for all projects—from the smallest to the largest.

January 17, 2024
DPLE 182 - To Document or Not to Document: That is the Question (pdf, 1mb)

This seminar will provide guidance on document retention policies, covering the laws and rules prohibiting the destruction of evidence including electronically-stored information.

November 15, 2023
DPLE 180 - Five Frustrating but Controllable Aspects of Contracts (pdf, 1mb)

This course is designed to introduce and review standard five standard contract provisions, explore their implications for your services, and propose some key considerations in negotiating more favorable contracts.

September 20, 2023
DPLE 201 - Claims Against Design Professionals on a Design-build Projects (pdf, 5mb)

We will discuss their implications for your services, and ways to allocate and mitigate risks through more favorable contract terms and conditions.

June 14, 2023
DPLE 125 - Pick One: Professional Liability, General Liability, Both or Neither (pdf, 2mb)

Whether it’s in contracts, in project risk allocation, or in day-to-day project management, many clients and contractors confuse a design professional’s obligations for professional liability and general liability.

April 26, 2023
DPLE 197 - Business as Usual: Staying in Business in Times of Disaster (pdf, 2mb)

This course will review different emergency preparedness tips to enable design firms to minimize their losses and facilitate the rapid restoration of their services in the event of a disaster.

February 22, 2023
DPLE 175 - Should I Go or Should I Not Go (pdf, 2mb)

Our approach will guide you through the four steps of risk management—carefully identifying, assessing, managing, and controlling the risks in projects when you’re deciding if pursuing a project is a good idea.

December 14, 2022
DPLE 134 - Understanding Underwriting to get a Good Deal (pdf, 4mb)

This session will discuss some important considerations in the process of underwriting, and provide insight into how you can assist in the underwriting process to ensure the best rates and coverage for your firm.

October 5, 2022
DPLE 310A - CLAIM is a Five Letter Word-What Happens When it Happens to You (pdf, 4mb)

It’s been said that there are two types of design professionals—those that have been sued and those that will be sued.

July 20, 2022
DPLE 318 - Legal Decisions Affecting Design Professionals (pdf, 2mb)

It’s been said that there are two types of design professionals—those that have been sued and those that will be sued. This course is a review of legal decisions across the United States that affect design professionals, both from a professional and business standpoint.