RLI offers the best coverage for mobile property, as well as outstanding protection and additional coverages from the standard RLI inland marine policy.
Creative underwriting means the right coverage. Faced with the task of insuring an unusual type of property, an RLI underwriter views this as an opportunity to be creative. Problem solving is an everyday occurrence at RLI.
We cover dealers’ property, excluding vehicles licensed for use on public highways. This may include:
Coverage may be extended to cover exhibitions and demonstrations, as well as equipment leased, loaned or rented to customers.
Professional photographers and musicians alike are constantly on the move, sometimes requiring worldwide coverage territory with their policies. Photo equipment and musical instruments alike are valuable and highly damageable, subject to being dropped, roughly handled, or stolen. Both types of property may be insured on a stated-amount basis.
Coverage may include:
RLI is able to write coverage for most types of mobile equipment. These may include:
And the list goes on and on-call to see about other opportunities. RLI is eager to seek solutions for your insurance needs —even about a type of property we’ve never been asked to cover before.
Experienced underwriting — Our underwriters are among the most experienced in the industry, which allows us to tailor coverage to your specific needs.
Commitment to loss control — RLI Marine claims experts are committed to helping you reduce loss costs with proven risk control methods.
Financial strength — RLI is rated “A+” (Superior) by A.M. Best and “A” (Strong) by Standard & Poor’s.
Risks which fall into this catch-all category typically do not fit neatly and conveniently anywhere else. For that very reason, each submission displays unique features and we encourage submissions to test our flexibility and creativity. Covered property is usually mobile in nature, even though it may be situated at one location more-or-less permanently. If we fully understand the risk characteristics, it is likely we will be able to offer coverage on some basis.
Coverage limits vary widely and the size of schedules we can write is almost unlimited depending on the spread of risk. If there are fixed location exposures, then our property guidelines apply. This would restrict the total insured values we could write to $15MM at a single location (or only $5MM if the construction type is frame or joisted masonry).
All these classes fall into this general category and may be desirable under the right circumstances: bailee’s customers, exhibitions, floor plan, livestock, live animals, miscellaneous scheduled property, mobile medical equipment, musical instruments, negative film, photographic equipment, physicians and dentists equipment, railroad rolling stock, signs, theatrical property.